Please review the job aid below to assist you in double checking your class rosters to determine which students need Fitnessgram testing.
1. Login to Data Director and to the Students link. 2. Select which class period you want to review. 3. Click "Make this a report" from the menu on the left. 4. Now you are in the "Reports" section. Click on "Modify Columns" 5. Click on"Add another Report Column" 6. In the next window, click on the following boxes in order: a. Assessments b. School year 2008-2009 c. Health and PE 7. In the Data Section on the right, click on the "PE Fitness" assessment. 8. A new window opens up listing all of the fitness assessment categories. Select "Overall P/F"
*If you have 11th grade students be sure you add a second column and follow the steps from # 6 to view the 2007/2008 Fitnessgram test results.
Class placement in physical education courses: 9th Grade --HSCI (only) 10th Grade Not Passed FG --FFL 11th Grade Not Passed FG --Fitness and Conditoning
10th Grade Passed FG --HSCII 11th Grade Passed Fitnessgram --PE Electives OR HSCII 12th Grade--PE Electives or HSCII
Notes: * Only students in first year of physical education enroll in HSCI (mostly 9th grade, but students transferring in with no PE credits would enroll in HSCI) * Only students who need to take the Fitnessgram enroll in FFL and Fitness and Conditioning * Okay to combine FFL and Fitness and Conditioning * Okay to combine 11th and 12th grade Fitnessgram mastery with HSCII * Not okay to combine 11th grade nonmastery with 11th and 12th grade students who do not need to take the Fitnessgram.