Hello, A few updates regarding Fitnessgram for this year:
-The testing window is Feb. 1-March 17.
-We will be recording Fitnessgram scores online this year. There will NOT be scantrons to fill out.
-The SDCOE instructions for online Fitnessgram score submission should be ready by this Friday. As soon as I have details I will forward to you.
-All 8th grade students should be tested and scores uploaded to Data Director.
-All 11th graders who haven't passed the Fitnessgram should be in Fitness and Conditioning. If this is not the case, please let me know ASAP.
A friendly quick reference for some of the common do's and don't with Fitnessgram administration:
-Let students hold other students feet during the curl up assessment
-Let students take "practice" fitness tests during the testing window or let students retake an assessment they didn't pass during the testing window
-Administer the Pull Up Test (this test has been canceled because so few students could pass it)
-Record scores higher than 12 for trunk lift and sit and reach, 75 for push ups and curl ups.
-Record more than one body comp score (i.e., pick one: height/weight or percent fat from the Omron Fat Analyzer. DO:
-Use the Fitnessgram CD for the PACER, curl-up and push-up assessments
-Provide alternative assessments for students if they do not pass the first test for the cardio (PACER/Mile Run/Mile Walk) upper body strength (Push Ups/Modified Pull Ups/Flexed Arm Hang) or flexibility (sit and reach or shoulder stretch)
-If you administer the one mile walk, be sure to also record the student's height and weight on the Scantron (note: percent fat can not be recorded for the one mile walk, only height/weight)
-If a student is out of HFZ for body composition due to BMI (height and weight) but close to passing, use the Omron fat analyzer to determine if their body fat percentage is within healthy zone.
-For accuracy it is recommended you test students at most: (1) student at a time for push ups, (4) students for curl ups, (5) students at a time for PACER, and (10) students at a time for the mile.
-To save time and your backs have students perform trunk lift on a bench or platform where you don't have to bend down, and the students walk through one at a time in roll call order.
-To save time check shoulder stretch at roll call numbers and only perform sit and reach on students who didn't pass shoulder stretch.
-Remember students' privacy with body composition measurements. Many students are embarrassed to have their peers know their weight. Measure body composition in as private and humane way as possible.
Common Form Errors to Watch For: -Curl Ups: Tugging on legs for assistance, not going all the way down with head on the mat, not keeping up with cadence. Push Ups: Not going down until triceps are at the 90 degree angle, sagging or arching of back, not keeping up or going too quickly for the cadence. PACER: Not reaching the line in time, leaving too early. Trunk Lift: Extending above 12 inches, using the hands to help push up higher, tilting head back (tip: have students look at a coin on the floor in front of them so eyes stay forward) Modified Pull Up: Bending of the knees to help push up, hands facing the wrong direction, arching back with chest pushed up. Sit and Reach: Bending the knee, lurching to reach the numbers rather than a slow controlled movement (tip, have students do a slow 1-2-3 back and forth and hold form on the 3rd count)
Best of luck with your Fitnessgram administration. Please let me know if there is anything I can assist you with.
Kim Butler, Ed.D and National Board Certified Teacher Physical Education Curriculum Specialist Sweetwater Union High School District 619-585-6082